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Mindfulness Chart

Mindfulness for: Overview Specialized Exercises Resources
Anxiety & Depression Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs are continually deemed among the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression. Studies have shown mindfulness techniques can help patients achieve sustainable relief from symptoms, and in some cases stop taking antidepressant drugs altogether. • Notice thinking patterns and refrain from reacting with anger, anxiety, or avoidance through reflection.


• Practice self-compassion to learn to accept imperfections and move forward without the weight of anxious or self-loathing thoughts.

• Develop a written action plan containing steps to take when feelings of depression or anxiety arise.

Learning to Stay Mindful in the MomentExercise, Yoga, and Meditation for Depressive and Anxiety DisordersOnline Relaxation Exercises
Cancer Patients Cancer is a beast of a different nature when it comes to chronic pain and anxiety. Because we have yet to discover a cure, a cancer diagnosis is one of the most stressful, heartbreaking experiences a person (and their loved ones) can endure. And stress, as we know, only makes health problems worse. Anxiety and stress are even thought to impact cancer growth. • When thoughts of a “worst-case scenario” surface, ground yourself in the present by writing down the truth of your condition on a piece of paper.


• A daily gentle yoga or meditation practice can calm your mind and relieve aches and pains.

• Make waiting in the doctor’s office a time to step back and check-in with how you are feeling.

• Practice a compassionate attitude when you are reminded of your limitations.


Finding Peace While Living with CancerYoga for CancerYoga Helps Breast Cancer PatientsLearn How Mindfulness Teacher Elana Rosenbaum Coped with a Cancer Diagnosis
Caregivers Studies show that for nurses, doctors, and home caregivers alike, mindfulness practices can reduce burnout, increase empathy, and help fight exhaustion. The benefits don’t stop there – evidence indicates compassionate caregivers are more successful at reducing the duration of colds and improving immune response in their patients! • When things become stressful, take a moment to notice your breath. Breathe in and out slowly for three seconds each several times before revisiting a task.• Eat your lunch meticulously and in silence at least once per week.


• Turn off all connection to the outside world and resist the urge to multi-task while you notice the colors, textures, and flavors of your meal.

• Try the S.T.O.P technique: STOP, TAKE a break, OPEN up, soften, and observe, and PROCEED.

Improving Mental Health with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (study)How to Be Present with Our Own HelplessnessStress-Reducing Mindfulness ExercisesRelaxation Techniques That Really Work
Chronic Pain When dealing with chronic pain patients, mindfulness teachers highlight the importance of being in tune with the experience at hand, rather than attempting to shut it out. By focusing on the intricacies of what is going on in your thoughts, immediate sensations (like physical pain) become less pronounced. Neural scans show mindfulness practices actually soothe the brain’s pain response signals and support immune function. • Body scans are an especially effective mindfulness technique because they invite you to observe how you are physically feeling and choose a positive emotional response.• Click here for three-, five-, and ten-minute instructional body scan videos.


• Engage in a healthy distraction like reading a book, playing a game, conjuring beautiful imagery, or having a positive conversation with a friend.

Coping with Pain Mindfully5 Techniques to Help Physical PainUsing Mindfulness to Approach Chronic Pain5 Simple Mindfulness Techniques for Pain Relief
Job-Related Stress Over 50% of the workforce says that job-related stress is a major issue in the United States. In addition to working 12-hour work days or 80-hour works weeks, workers must cope with the stress of future projects, reprimands from nasty bosses, and even anxiety created by positive changes such as a promotion. Hugely successful companies including Apple, Yahoo, Google, Proctor and Gamble, and the LA Lakers have implemented hugely successful mindfulness programs for their employees. Coincidence? We think not. • As you walk into work, breathe in and out slowly for three seconds each. Do the same as you leave work in the evening.• Eat your lunch meticulously and in silence at least once per week. Turn off all connection to the outside world and resist the urge to multi-task while you notice the colors, textures, and flavors of your meal.


• In a particularly stressful moment, try the S.T.O.P technique: STOP, TAKE a break, OPEN up, soften, and observe, and PROCEED.

Mindfulness, Work, and YouMindfulness for Combating MultitaskingMindfulness for the Workplace: Science & Strategies
Weight Loss For many, weight loss can be as simple as changing eating patterns. Often, it’s not just about what you eat, but how you eat it.Mindful eating is grounded foremost in observation (of the textures, smells, colors, shapes, and flavors of your food) and turning off distractions (like the television, eating while driving, or multi-tasking). By slowing down and chewing food fully, you allow the body to begin digesting while you are eating. • Set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes, and take that time to eat a normal-sized meal.• Try eating with your non-dominant hand; if you’re a righty, hold your fork in your left hand when lifting food to your mouth.Use chopsticks if you don’t normally use them.


• Eat silently for five minutes, thinking about what it took to produce that meal, from the sun’s rays to the farmer to the grocer to the cook.

• Take small bites and chew well.

• Before opening the fridge or cabinet, take a breath and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” If the answer is no, do something else, like read or go on a short walk.

Mindful Eating May Help with Weight Loss5 Tips for Getting Started with Mindful Eating7 Proven Tips for Weight Loss SuccessStress Reduction and Mindful Eating Curb Weight GainLove What You Eat