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Rid the Body of Xenoestrogens, Don’t Rely on Mammograms, for Cancer Prevention

Mammograms: the Swiss find them full of holes, like cheese

A recent study concluded that:

“Annual mammography in women aged 40-59 does not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of physical examination or usual care when adjuvant therapy for breast cancer is freely available. Overall, 22% (106/484) of screen detected invasive breast cancers were over-diagnosed, representing one over-diagnosed breast cancer for every 424 women who received mammography screening in the trial.”


Naturally, the study has been slammed by those who provide mammograms. Perhaps a middle-of-the-road approach is best: comply with the US Preventive Task Force and other conservative researchers who recommend mammograms every other year after the age of 50.


Studies Question Mammogram Effectiveness
In 2009 the US Preventive Task Force created a bit of a stir when they reported that women age 40-49 do not benefit from mammograms. It recommended starting mammograms at age 50. A lot of women and doctors were upset about that report and to this day continue to get and recommend mammograms at age 40.

Then, the plot got “sicker”. A Canadian study reported last month that mammograms do not decrease mortality at all. The study also reported that 22% of positive mammograms are falsely positive, meaning there is no cancer despite the positive report. Predictably, the study is getting blasted by “the establishment” as bad science.


Best Prevention Method: Rid the Body of Xenoestrogens
In my opinion nothing is better than “primary prevention:” work on the root of breast cancer-the environment. Google the word “xenoestrogens” if you have not heard it before. Xenoestrogens are over 800 environmental chemicals (pesticides, BPA, phthalates, heavy metals, chlorinated products, etc.) that have an estrogen effect. Exposure to them and poor detoxification due to bad diets and compromised gut and liver function4 are the roots of breast cancer.

By the way, one out of six women will get Alzheimer’s disease. The chances of breast cancer are half of that. Yet, funding for the latter is four times higher. Sometimes things just don’t make sense.


85% of Cancers are Environmental
Remember that 85% of cancers are environmental, a factor often underreported for political and economic issues. We must limit exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, plastics (BPA and phthalates), heavy metals, chlorinated products, hair permanents, rocket fuel and some chemicals in cosmetics and hygiene products.

Phthalates get more attention because they are found in many products we are exposed to: pesticides, time-release medications, linoleum, vinyl (computers, cars), faux leather, shampoos and cosmetics-anything with fragrance.


Gut Health at Root of Detox Ability
Keep your immune-detox system strong by maximizing gut health. By maintaining strong gut flora you can greatly lower your risk of cancer. Good nutrition cuts down the risk of cancer by two-thirds. Overcoming a sugar addiction is the most important factor in improving our diet. Sugar increases the risk of cancer, a fact that won the Nobel Prize for Dr. Warburg in 1931. Below you will find a list of specific foods that can help you overcome sugar addiction:

ECGC Green Tea
Curcumin Turmeric
Genistein Soy
Indole-3-Carbinol Cruciferous Veggies
Sulphoraphanes Cruciferous Veggies
Beta Carotenes Various vegetables (carrots)
Resveratrol Grapes
Isothiocyanates Cruciferous Veggies
Luteolin Celery, Green Pepper, Peppermint
Lycopene Tomatoes
Anthocyanins Pomegranate, Wolfberry, Plankton, Algae
Delphidin Pigmented Fruits, Berries
Lupeol, Silymarin Mango, Olive Oil, Herbs
Gingerol Ginger
Sulfur Onions, Garlic
Capsaicin Red Pepper


Consider Thermogram Testing for a Second Opinion
The main beef seems to be poor mammogram quality. Since mammograms are so entrenched in the system I anticipate that nothing will change for a while.

When it comes to testing, take the time to make your ordering doctor aware that you do not welcome “defensive testing.” As you know, a significant proportion of tests are ordered to “C.Y.A.” If that is the case, consider refusing the test.

Keep in mind that some tests can be dangerous. For example, CT scans have been shown to radiate you with 1/2 the radiation Hiroshima victims were exposed to. This is why they have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancerbrain cancer, leukemia and many other problems.

In my practice, I encourage patients to decide how and when to get screened. I also offer thermograms. They do not radiate the breasts; they only pick up heat patterns from them.