Saving Big on Prescriptions with Blink Health
Early one Saturday morning Teri was having serious trouble with allergies. A trip to the local Urgent care found her with a subscription for Leviquin antibiotics.

The price for the prescription registered at a whopping $225, for only seven pills, yikes! Seeing the shock in her eyes, the pharmacy offered to discount Teri’s Leviquin prescription to $175, still quite pricey.
Trying to decide what to do, Teri remembered seeing a segment on one of the morning TV Shows about deeply discounted prescriptions. The website was Blink Health’s system (recommended in the New York Times.) Blink Health requires the name, dose, strength, and quantity of the prescription. Once that information is entered, the Blink Health price comes up. In this case it was an amazingly low price of $11! How is that even possible?
Teri put her credit card on the site to pay the $11.00, Blink Health sent a message to her phone, and off she went to the same pharmacy to pick up her Leviquin.
If you take prescription medications and have not tried Blink Health, go ahead and test the system. It may be worth your time to see what comes up. Wishing deep discounts to our thrifty members!
Blink Health provides discounted rates for generic prescriptions at the pharmacy of your choice. Check with your physician to make sure this deal can work for you.