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Toxins: The Common Denominator in Disease

Toxins Compromise the Gut Microbiome

The common denominator in virtually all diseases is our gut microorganisms, or our microbiome. They cannot optimally work for you if you eat poorly, that is, not enough fiber (fruits and veggies,) and too much sugar (i.e. toxins).

Incidentally, there are sugar receptors in the gut that act much like taste buds. Taking antibiotics and acid blocking drugs also compromise the microbiome. C-sections have been shown to diminish a mother’s transfer of healthy bacteria to the newborn. When the microbiome is not healthy, it triggers inflammation among other problems. Said inflammation can reach every cell of your body. Your metabolism, or handling of energy at the cellular level, is then compromised. This leads not only to obesity, but to practically all illnesses.

These simple concepts are now repeatedly highlighted in the best medical journals. The last to do so on its cover is the Journal Gastroenterology May 2014. Below you will find the titles of articles contained therein.


Toxins in the Environment

The microbiome has the same capacity to detoxify as the liver. Poor function in both causes toxins in the environment to have an impact on your health. For example, autism is likely to become more of an environmental issue as we learn more. Right now, autism is considered half genetics, half environment.

As noted in previous issues, some chemicals have a neurologic and endocrine effect; they are called endocrine disruptors, or xenoestrogens. They have been associated with autism. Other endocrine disruptors, like phthalates and BPA in plastics, also have a negative effect on the brain, particularly in early development. The latter have also been shown to have metabolic problems and affect the quality of sperm in young men.

Obviously, avoiding said chemicals is the best approach. Strengthening your liver and microbiome through good nutrition is another. Here are other articles to consider:


Redeeming Vitamins

From time to time we see the media highlighting a negative study on vitamin supplementation. Even though such studies tend to be flawed, biased and often financed by parties whose income is threatened by vitamins and natural products, i.e. Big Pharma, many patients and, sadly, supposedly scientists like MDs, unquestioningly buy into those reports. No amount of discussion will persuade them to look at the hundreds of studies saying how valuable vitamins are (sampler below.) Why? Their own ossified beliefs are often based on unscientific “facts.” So much for objectivity in science…