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Xenoestrogens & Your Hormone Health

Women aren’t the only ones who go through hormonal swings these days; an increasing number of men are experiencing undesirable hormonal changes with age, too.

Extra pounds, flabby muscles, “man breasts,” hair loss, and an enlarged prostate are all potential signs of whacky hormone levels, otherwise known as estrogen dominance.

Estrogen isn’t the problem though, not real estrogen anyway; much of the mischief can be attributed to estrogen-imitating xenoestrogens.

Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, xenoestrogens flood cell receptor sites, creating an estrogen-flooded system. Too much estrogen throws off the estrogen / testosterone balance, thus “feminizing” male bodies.

Let’s start with the basics.

Xenoestrogens: Invisible, Dangerous & Widespread

Sadly, it’s no surprise xenoestrogens are wreaking havoc on increasing numbers of humans. There are roughly 100,000 registered xenoestrogens — all of which are toxic, carcinogenic, and everywhere in the modern world.

Xenoestrogens are in food, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, plastics, household products, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, spermicide, hormone replacement therapy, sunscreens and countless other places.

And unfortunately, not a lot is being done to eradicate them. Most studies only investigate one chemical at a time, ignoring the more realistic cumulative effect that has become commonplace.

Fast fact: Xenoestrogens are said to have “weak” estrogenic activity, but sauna sweat samples show that xenoestrogens affect hormone systems at 100 to 1000 times greater concentration than that of the normal human hormones.

DDT, a particularly toxic xenoestrogen, is illegal to use in US, yet the US continues to manufacture mass quantities of DDT for export to other countries. World-wide DDT use has never been higher, and even though the US no longer uses DDT, traces will remain in the ecosystem for decades to come.

In a study conducted on roosters injected with small amounts of DDT, the birds failed to develop normal testicals and became “hen-like” in appearance. Sound anything like “the change” now affecting many middle-aged men? Scary stuff, fair members.

Support Xenoestrogen Detoxification

Sadly, xenoestrogens aren’t going away. Even if 100% of their production stopped today, these chemicals would continue to circulate through the ecosystem for centuries.

This means it’s more important than ever to support your body in detoxifying incoming xenoestrogens. You can do this nutritionally with support from these Cell Nutritionals’ products:

  • Constant Health – packed with potent detoxifiers, antioxidants, and fibers, Constant Health provides a myriad of helping hands when it comes to protecting against xenoestrogens and other toxins.
  • Milk Thistle – Particularly helpful to helping your liver keep up with detoxification processes, milk thistle has also shown to support liver regeneration.
  • Fiber Fit – Keeping up with healthy elimination is particularly important for ridding the body of toxins. Fiber helps absorb toxins and move them out of the body quickly, so as not to provide opportunities for reabsorption.

And, don’t forget to eat your cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc.) to help fight xenoestrogens with compounds like indole-3-carbinol, which enhance the liver’s ability to break down excess estrogens in the system.

Keep Your Xenoestrogen Intake Minimal

While you can’t avoid xenoestrogens completely, you can remove the more obvious (and dangerous) sources of exposure. Here’s a useful list to start.

Children Highly Sensitive to Xenoestrogens

Children are particularly sensitive to the effects of xenoestrogens. Young girls are experiencing puberty at alarmingly early ages (development of breast tissue as early as two years-old!), and young boys have a 200% higher chance of being born with a reproductive defect. Boys are also showing lower sperm counts and higher incidences of early-onset testicular cancer.

Interestingly, there are also fewer males being born in many countries, particularly in those exposed to higher toxin levels.

Xenoestrogens Linked to Serious Health Problems in Women

Along the same lines, women are experiencing toxin-related fertility and general health problems. Xenoestrogens have been linked with an increase in reproductive-site cancers, decreased fertility, diabetes, premature ovarian failure, obesity, thyroid disruption, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.

Natural estrogen is responsible for stimulating cell division in hormone-responsive tissue like the uterus lining, breast tissue, and the ovaries. When xenoestrogens overload estrogen cell receptors, they can stimulate abnormal tissue growth causing ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and even cancer.

Xenoestrogens have been found to be a very considerable factor in the occurrence of breast cancer, which has increased exponentially in the last 70 years that xenoestrogens have been around.

Evidence continues to accumulate against xenoestrogens, yet little is being done to curb their use. What can you do? Avoid contact with xenoestrogens and support your body’s detoxifying pathways with proper nutrition.