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FAQs General

General questions about ordering, products, or Cell Nutritionals:

How do you keep your prices so low? Your prices look almost too good to be true! Forgive this skeptic’s question!

Here’s how we keep costs down:

  • No sales people with commissions (also no telemarketing and no multi-level marketing pyramid costs either)!
  • No big PR, advertising or media budget.
  • No printed literature — everything is on the website & electronic newsletters cost next-to-nothing, especially when compared to direct marketing pieces
  • No labor costs over the weekend — shipping and orders are strictly M-F. No changes to orders once placed (we try to catch changes if we can, but our shipping process is really basic, so we encourage members to place orders carefully).
  • Management with hands-on responsibilities (no absentee landlords being paid for ownership only).
  • Management with a focus on member service. We have upgraded numerous products (e.g., doubling the amount of chondroitin, an expensive ingredient, in our Joint Complex product, etc.), yet we didn’t raise prices.
  • We don’t have to answer to outsiders with their eyes only on profits. We answer to our conscience, and we know many of our members are on fixed incomes. We know that many members could not afford important supplements for their health without our focus on keeping prices low.

Q:How do you keep quality high?A:Here’s how we ensure quality:

  • Unlike most of the industry, we are 100% in control of our quality as we manufacture our products at our cGMP certified facility in Miramar, FL.
  • All of our products come with Certificates of Analysis and authenticity.
  • We develop long-term relationships with our vendors. We don’t put our products “out to bid” to unfamiliar suppliers.
  • We conduct independent laboratory testing, working with GMP- and FDA-certified labs.
  • We are choosy about the origin of our raw materials and often specify distributors or countries of origin with excellent reputations.
  • We opt for standardized extracts vs. powders in our products.
  • We use no artificial colorings.
  • We have put our money where our mouth is and rejected shipments of raw materials, causing a drop in our own business due to “out-of-stock” situations. We think it’s worth it to suffer short-term losses to ensure long-term loyalty of our members.
  • We are a science-oriented outfit and work with some leading industry consultants to help us make science-based decisions (our consultants have hundreds of years of combined experience, access to hundreds of supplements industry subscriptions and thousands of research resources).
  • We’re NOT a marketing-oriented shop emphasizing the latest hype in the supplements magazines, which are often informed by biased interests (e.g., vendors hyping their newest products through “articles,” placed based on their advertising budgets).
May I return products that I purchase?

Please read our Return Policy for details.

Could you give me some advice about my condition?

Unfortunately, the answer is “No.” We do recommend that you check with your physician or health care professional if you have any questions about a health condition. We also encourage you to read widely and become educated on things that affect your health!

I love your prices. How do I join Cell Nutritionals?

To join Cell Nutritionals, please register at the link here. Register me! I want in on these great prices!Tell your friends too — they will appreciate the playful humor and the great information (scientifically-based, not marketing hype!).

How do I remove myself from your mailing list?

If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, please click on the link at the bottom of every newsletter: remove from mailing list. If for any reason that doesn’t work, please send a remove request to info@cellnutritionals.com.

Why don’t you offer my favorite supplement?

We are constantly on the look-out for products that would be valuable to our members. Cell Nutritionals prefers to handle products that meet the following criteria:

  • Expensive elsewhere
  • Well-documented research supporting both efficacy and safety
  • Not so ahead-of-the-curve that we have to totally “educate the market”
  • Well-suited for shipping (nothing extremely heavy or extremely bulky)
  • In demand (our members ask for them, again and again)!!

If you are aware of a product that you feel Cell Nutritionals should consider, we want to hear from you. Please contact info@cellnutritionals.com to share your thoughts and feedback.