Technical troubleshooting tips: From time to time, members have trouble with orders (alas, technology is a bit persnickety sometimes!). Here are some helpful suggestions to address the most common issues!
Deleting temporary internet files.
- In Control Panel, open Internet Options.
- Click the General tab, and then under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Files.
- In the Delete Files dialog box, click to select the Delete all offline content check box if you want to delete all Web page content that you have made available offline.
- Click OK.
Deleting Our Health Co-op cookies in Windows XP.
- Click Start, and then click Search.
- In the Search Companion dialog box, click All files and folders.
- In the file name box, type *ourhealthcoop*.txt
- In the Look in box, click the drive or drives, folder, or network location that you want to search.
- Click Search.
- Delete the files found.
- Click Start a new search and repeat operation using *www.mcssl*.txt in step 3.
Deleting Our Health Co-op cookies in Windows 9X.
- Click the Start button, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
- In the Named box, type *ourhealthcoop*.txt
- In the Look In box, select C:
- Click Find Now.
- Delete the files found.
- Repeat operation using *www.mcssl*.txt in step 2.
Using cookies behind a firewall.
Configure the software to accept cookies from.
Quick Order, Lab Reports or Supplement Facts do not open in my browser.
Our Health Co-op uses popup windows for such features as Quick Order, Lab Reports or Supplement Facts. To use these features, please disable any popup blocker software or set it to accept popups from