Dr. Rodier on the Connection between Gut and Joint Health
Dr. Rodier is passionate about the importance of a healthy gut as the foundation of a healthy person. Medical research has similarly demonstrated the gut’s influence in overall health over and over again. Dr. Rodier’s latest blog post chronicles the connection between gut health and joint health.
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic, from New York University’s Microbiome Center, and many other noteworthy institutions see the gut and the community of microbes within as key to solving many vexing health concerns, including joint health, which many would assume would have nothing to do with the gut. Au contraire!

NYU’s microbiologists have found that humans have radically different combinations of gut bacteria, with some of the protective good strains “going extinct” even (a scary thought). Vegetarian and Mediterranean diets score best for promoting friendly bacteria.
In his best book, Switching Off Chronic Disease, Dr. Rodier talks extensively about the importance of healing the gut, provides detailed instructions on how to do his 8-week Cellular Detox Diet, and suggests nutrients that are especially helpful in supporting joint health. Switching Off Chronic Disease comes in an electronic version for $18.95 and the printed version is $24.95.