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Dr. Rodier on the Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

Dr. Rodier recently published a new blog post on current research blasting the misperception of artificial sweeteners as a healthy sugar substitute.  Studies are finding that while artificial sweeteners do not contain calories, they interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize glucose by feeding harmful gut bacteria at the expense of friendly strains and stimulating an insulin response, which over works the pancreas, contributing to challenges with weight.

In his book Switching Off Chronic Disease, Dr. Rodier explains that artificial sweeteners also hijack the brains satiety signals, causing more cravings for sweets. By quitting artificial sweeteners and refined sugars, healthy foods like whole grains, fruits, and legumes will begin to taste plenty sweet enough to satisfy any cravings within just a few weeks on Dr. Rodier’s detox diet.

Once the body is thoroughly detoxed, cravings for any extra sweeteners will subside. However, If sweeteners are still desired after detoxing, Dr. Rodier recommends sticking to Stevia and Xylitol only, as they are plant-based (rather than derived from pharmaceuticals like aspartame) and are not as harmful as artificial sweeteners.

Member Testimonial

One member, Melanie, followed the recommendations in Dr. Rodier’s book and kicked her 20 year addiction to Diet Coke. She’s struggled with depression, uncontrollable sugar cravings, and fluctuations in her mood, weight, and energy levels throughout her life. Since quitting Diet Coke over 6 weeks ago, she has had a drastic increase in her energy levels without the peaks and valleys that previously affected her energy, mood, and productivity.

Melanie now eats a primarily plant-based diet with some sushi-grade fish a couple times a week, drinks a Constant Health shake every morning, and takes Cell Nutritionals’ probiotics, concentrated fish oil, colloidal silver, chlorophyll, chromium picolinate, milk thistle, and cinnamon for daily nutrition and to help manage her sweet tooth. Bravo Melanie for conquering that challenging addiction!

The Science

One study cited in Dr. Rodier’s latest blog post, from the Weizmann Institute of Science, found that volunteers who consumed artificial sweeteners for just a week showed negative changes to their gut microbiota and glucose metabolism rates.

Further Research

Nature, “Sugar Substitutes Linked to Obesity,” http://www.nature.com/news/sugar-substitutes-linked-to-obesity-1.15938

Nature, “Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance by Altering the Gut Microbiota,” http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v514/n7521/abs/nature13793.html

Scientific America, “Artificial Sweeteners May Change Our Gut Bacteria in Dangerous Ways,” http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/artificial-sweeteners-may-change-our-gut-bacteria-in-dangerous-ways/

Weizman Institute of Science, “Gut Bacteria, Artificial Sweeteners, and Glucose Intolerance,” http://www.weizmann-usa.org/media/2014/09/17/gut-bacteria-artificial-sweeteners-and-glucose-intolerance