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How to Support Your Basenji’s Kidneys – Supplement Tips from Marj and Angel!

Member Marj was so excited to win the Pet Photo contest for May that she wanted to share more about Angel’s health journey.  As noted on our blog, one of Marj’s dogs, Angel, has Fanconi syndrome, a problem with the kidneys where nutrients are lost in the urine, that can affect Basenji’s. 
Angel and her brother Jaro came to Marj from a rescue group as fosters.  Within one day, however, Marj knew that Angel and Jaro had found their forever home.  That gave Marj and her husband Jim a total of four Bansenji’s (the eldest Sanji passed not long after) and a pack of Manx cats.  Marj loves having a full house.  She says it can get a little rambunctious at times but there’s tons of love.
Calcium, Potassium, and Vitamin C for Angel’s Fanconi Syndrome


Marj gives Angel supplements from Cell Nutritionals to help with her Fanconi syndrome.  Angel loses vital nutrients from the challenges with her kidneys so the supplements replace the lost nutrition.  Angel takes: Liquid CalciumPotassium, and Vitamin C.  Marj follows the directions from her veterinarian and Angel does very well.
Angel is seven now and just as energetic as ever.  She hasn’t done formal dog shows like she once did before her diagnosis but she and her brother both live full energetic lives with their pack and occasionally participate in more casual competitions.
Angel’s “Mom” & Nutritional Support for Heart Health
Marj discovered Our Health Co-op years ago on her own health journey.  She received a pacemaker and a stint about eight years ago to help with some circulation issues.  Marj turned out to be allergic to the recommendations from her physician so she started relying on nutritional approaches for wellness and started taking supplements from us.
Marj is quite happy with her combo of supplements, which gives her the energy to keep up with a pack of Basenjis and Manx cats. Because of her great experience and ourquality testing, Marj loves to tell her friends about Cell Nutritionals products.
Fast Facts: Some people call the Manx a kind of “dog-cat” because of the breed’s legendary desire to follow their humans around and “help” around the house or even when “out and about.” This mellow-even tempered breed is also amenable to learning to walking on a leash.